You just got and you’re on your way to getting your team organized. Great first step – now what? There are so many options to workflows, boards, and automation, among other things. In a way, that’s great – you have a ton of options for customization, but that can be overwhelming if you’re not used to a world of project management organization. It can be a culture shock at first, but it can also be a game changer. 

Depending on where you are in your organization, it’s almost like a board game. You can go in so many directions. You may be at one end of the spectrum where you run a tight ship and you also may be starting at ground zero. Wherever you are, there’s always an opportunity to streamline your operations to maximize your efficiency. 

For example, you may have monday boards set up, but you’re lacking automations to notify your team of project statuses. You may have automations set up, but they may be outdated and need a refresh. Either way, it’s best practice to regularly evaluate your configuration to ensure it’s up to date with your current business strategy. 

Streamlining your monday boards is not just about getting organized. It’s about increasing visibility and collaboration across your team. It’s about knowing exactly where your projects stand, which can help you understand if you’re behind schedule, losing money, or other critical components that impact your business. Having the right workflows and automations in place can help you forecast where your business is headed and can help you share this information quickly across your organization. 

If you need a quick consult, we’d be happy to take a look at your current setup and give you our candid opinion on where you are and what changes could take your business to the next level.