For many, change can be difficult and adopting new technology is no exception. Although your entire team may not embrace the implementation of a new tool in the same way, there are many things you can do to ensure a smooth launch of in your organization. 

Properly communicate the launch: instead of sending mass emails, gather your team in-person or over a video conference and announce this exciting news! Try to cover the following topics in your meeting:

  1. Identify and share the pain points that inspired you and your team to look for a new way of working.
  2. Demonstrate your workflows and boards in action. Explain how you see the team working with it.
  3. Proactively address the “WIIFM” (“What’s In It For Me?”) - explain the value for your team, and specifically how you expect things to improve - this will motivate them to give the tool an honest try.
  4. Talk through the rollout - discuss the transition. If your team knows what to expect, this will make them feel more comfortable with the change.
  5. Encourage feedback: asking for your team’s input will ensure you’re not missing anything and will make them feel included. 

As you’re getting ready to launch, make sure you keep things simple and provide some flexibility. A good way to do this is to offer views within that work for your team. Sometimes, people process information in different ways (i.e. list views vs Gantt chart). When you’re providing instructions, put yourself in your team’s shoes: will they understand what you’re trying to communicate? Avoid overcomplicating processes and use language that’s easy to understand (don’t get too technical). 

Making any new tool into a daily habit takes time - to help expedite the process, always refer to as your one source of truth. Refer to it in team meetings, project updates, one-on-ones, etc. Eventually, your team will see as their “go-to” for updates. You can even set the expectation that your boards will be updated and reviewed before meetings. 

Lastly, identify your co-champions! Naturally, you will have at least one or two people on your team that love the tool and are excited to implement it. Lean on these team members to create buzz and also get feedback to see how the team is doing. Tap into’s resources to level up their skills and help the team learn the technology!

At OrangeDot, we’re always here as a resource to help your team navigate through, whether you’re in the onboarding phase or need additional training! Reach out to us and we would be happy to set up a session with your team: